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An intensive 3-month discipleship programme for 17-25 year-olds seeking to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ. Running from Jan-Mar each year, the programme is a journey of faith, aimed at helping participants live out Luke 9:23, in which Jesus calls us to be his disciples by denying ourselves to follow him.

“And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Luke 9:23 (ESV)

The Programme

truthmin trackers lecture

Through a combination of…


truthmin trackers workshop


truthmin trackers outreach


Participants will understand the basis of our faith, how it engages with contemporary issues, and equips them to live out the faith well beyond the programme itself.

There is also an…

Overseas Mission Trip

truthmin outreach 1
truthmin outreach 2
truthmin outreach 3

Which grants them the opportunity to work and live together in community. At the end of the programme, participants will have a richer understanding of the Christian faith, and stronger connections across the wider Methodist Church.


Community Nights