Here are other resources that you might want to look at for your personal growth or your youth ministry! We have links to external parties as well as articles written by our staff on Methodist Message!
Writing is one of the gifts that God has given us and we are very privileged to have Methodist Message publishing some of our written articles!
These articles are written by Pastors, our very own Truthmin staff and of course from youths too! So have a look at what they have to say on different topics and issues on the right!
- Peer Pressure: Not Necessarily Bad - A Youth's View: Family Is Important - Loving Our Nation - Local Flavours - First Things... - Stress, Desserts And Success - ‘Made in Singapore’  Worship Songs? - Drawing Near To God - Youth And Ambivalence - God Is Real To Me! - A Sporting Chance Of Winning Souls - Youths In Singapore: Increasingly Postmodern - On Being A Christian And A Student In Singapore - Getting Back On Track With God - To Club Or Not To Club? : That Is The Question