DANCE FELLOWSHIP is a ministry for the audience of One as we dance not to perform but as a form of praise to Him. Dance is mentioned many times as a form of worship in the Bible and it is a beautiful art form that can communicate truth, bringing glory to God and edifying others. We want to build a safe haven for dancers to use their gifts and passion for God's glory and to nurture a generation of dancers who are not just equipped but also connected to each other for support, advice, fellowship, and growth.
Upcoming Events Calling all dancers! Open Class is happening in Aug via Zoom and we hope to see you there! We’ve got an amazing session to tone and train us physically on that day! So if you want to join our dance fellowship do come along or contact our Truthmin Coordinators! 🙂
Date: 17 Aug 2020 (Monday)
Time: 730pm – 930pm
Venue: Zoom
To sign up or find out more, you can contact: Truthmin Dance Coordinator, Jaime Or Truthmin Intern, Crystal